Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The importance of taking risks

I believe in taking risks, I believe in daring to dream and daring to change your life. I believe in daring to take a different road than everyone else. I see so many people staying for years in a job that they feel is unsatisfying, because they can't find the strength to break out of the routine. I hope I never get there.

I have now decided to go for something that is a risk economically. I have decided to take my Masters degree, even though that leaves me in huge depth. But it is an investment, and it is an investment in something that I believe in. It is an investment in me. I believe I will be able to make it, I believe in taking risks to get the life I want.

I have never been happier. I am right now in the country I want to be, doing exactly what I want to do. I work in a kitchen where a chef is inspiring me in my cooking. I am soon going to start a course that will help me become the writer I want to become. I have conversations with a friend that is inspiring me to write and to take risks in life. These conversations help me realize so many things about my past, present and future. Life is finally given meaning. I believe when you can appreciate hurt as a important part of life, everything makes sense. I've spent so much of my life being bitter, seeing my self as a victim. Now, the pain I feel makes sense, I can see it's purpose. And I have never felt stronger.

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