Sunday, March 28, 2010

Long Friday or Good Friday

After a discussion with a friend's mum I realised I did not know much about what the different days of Easter mean. Neither did she. The thing is, Norway and Oz have different weeks off. Why, we wondered.

In Norway it all starts on Palm Sunday, the day Jesus came into Jerusalem some years ago. Then the world cuts these frozen people some slack for a week or so. Aussies have to wait another week to get the same reward. In Norway we call the week building up to Easter Day, The Silent week, in English is called The Holy Week. Fair enough, but I must say I wonder why they call the day of Jesus' crucifixion Good Friday. At least in Norway we have the decency to call it Long Friday.

My research did not exactly answer the question as to why it is different, but it did reassure me it is different.

Art by coincidence

I'm back

I realised it's time to pick up the old blogging habit again.
Life is way too long to spend it hibernating.