Tuesday, January 11, 2011

All in a day...

... I had breakfast in bed with my boyfriend, I kissed him goodbye and gave him the lunch box I'd made specially for him, I went to work to get training in doing morning shifts, I left work at 9:30 am, I bought a book case, I put the book case together, I got a call from Anna, I had coffee with Anna, we ran into other creative souls, I put my books in my book case, I organised my papers and tidied my room, I sent some long overdue emails regarding my honours thesis, I listened to Damien Rice, I reread some rants I wrote 2 years ago, I got inspired, I did laundry, I made a "Anna and Mari's book of inspiration".

All in a day I've been Mari, the girlfriend; Mari, the cook; Practical Mari; Domestic Mari; Mari, the student; Mari, the writer; Inspired Mari; Organised Mari. And it's only 6:30 pm.

Boyfriend coming for dinner later. Mari, the girlfriend, my favourite, because it somehow has room for all the other ones.


Mari said...

oh yeah in one day iv been a hunk, a spunk, a work of art :P, a tradesman, an athlete (slightly exaggerated), and a spoilt bf :D

Alice said...

Det er ikke bare Sean som gjerne vil at du skal fortsette å skrive Mari, jeg liker også godt å lese det du blogger.